Thursday, October 30, 2008


Awesome day. I did my swings and I'm now up to 30. This is really a lot of work. I'm glad I have no numbers to try to obtain but my own. I do what I can in those 15 minutes and wow. I did moving today. No jogging in place. Just walking. That minute comes fast. I did the Pumps much better after watching Pavel do it. I understand now the hips go to the floor, and head turns in the opposite direction. The warm up is like a cycle itself. I get down there and want to stay in a cat stretch. 30 did tighten up my butt. I don't know if this is where you are suppose to feel it 100% but I do.

I ordered my book, Enter The Kettlebell. I'm glad I did as it's a requirement for RKC. Might has well have it and learn more about the ETK way. I know I will be stronger by the end of November. I just sure hope I keep up with the swings.

Goal: Work on those pumps to get to 10 as many times as possible within the allotted time. I'm glad i'm not working any more over time as I get to come home and sleep and just do my job and leave. I need to forget who is trying to watch who or check on who. I'm sick of the power games youngsters play. I pray that my mind will be set on just making my body healthier then it's ever been and to one day help someone else keep focused also. This takes a lot of focus. I know when I set my mind to achieve a goal, I know I have to spend a lot of time, reading and practicing. So, with this I will spend my time reading and practicing. I'm getting better at fixing meals quick and I'm still getting compliments. I wish I could see the good change in me that so many other see.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Step by Step

And that's what i'm doing, I am so very happy to get assistance from Dave Whitley. He has written and given me confidence that I can do this. This is worth it to me. I will now set the goal to become RKC certified, September 2009. It just takes practice but practice under the right leadership. I believe Dave will help me get there. My ETK practice is also the road to success. It's progressive and it's by the book of Pavels written by Anthony. I have what I need, I just have to apply my body and my good thoughts and peristant practice. I'm eating much better, and now I know I can continue to eat this way. I feel confident and satisfied that I am doing the right thing. I received another compliment on my weight loss. That is really good. I have made my goal of losing my ten pounds. By the end of the year I should be at 148. I am at least able to have a glass of Wine, String Cheese, fruit and Oatmeal. I enjoy *fun* meal on Sunday. Just one, not an all day nuts day. Just one meal and that is so something to look forward to. I'm reading positive books. At the moment it's Secrets of a Former Fat Girl. (LOL) Just that it can be done and learn to see what it is that makes me think food loves me. I need a good Stretch Video to follow along. Maybe I can get Pavels even though it's not a follow along. Will see. I ordered another video, stretching instead. I know I can do this. I have my map and my compass.:)


No practice today.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Great practice. I did it all. I did:
4 sets warm up today, one more than yesterday. I think it all depends on how fast I move from one exercise to the other.
TGU = 7 left with 3 lb, 8 right with 18

I feel I did well on wall squats. Even though my knees pop, creak, it's okay. I believe this will work out in time.

I have such a good time reading today. I read about Pavel. I ordered ETK I think yesterday. Set a goal to obtain RKC.. even If I don't make that, I will still be amongst the stars for doing exercise practice and enduring. I don't have to teach but it sure could be fun. I'm still going to go and see where the journey takes me.

I ordered a nice stretch video today. After seeing how important stretching is, I would like to have one that I can do and that is beneficial to my hips and shoulders.

I ate well all day. Steak, salad, broccoli, string beans, eggs, water.

I see how I'm growing and I love it.

It happened again. Here today, I'm reading about Stretching. What's the topic on Vegas' blog. Loosen up Joints.

I find Pandora today. Come to search out Anthony's Mos's and there it is, Pandora. he had already spoken about it. Well if he had an index of what was on his Mos's I would have found this wonderful station before but.. since I found it, I found it!! get it. :) Since I was looking for stretches, I found a video I could afford and that is not Fancy, girl y. Incredible I tell ya, INCREDIBLE!!! See why my mantra in front of me says: My Life is INCREDIBLE. I AM SURROUNDED BY LOVE!!!!

I am doing well

I just read someones blog and they were feeling a bit low. You know it has to be the weather. I am not feeling low but I am feeling pretty darn good today. I am achieving my goal of losing my 20 pounds and boy does it feel good. It can be done.I've never ever ever done this before and now I think I will be doing it more. I can change my own life and I'm ready to help others change theirs. I do feel the difference of today and yesterday morning. I ate oatmeal, the first time for that long cooking one, I did have energy. I will see if it's the oatmeal on another day. lol. I ate egg whites and 2 slices Canadian Bacon. ya, I ate it cause it's in the Zone. I went through such a traumatizing event a few months ago, I'm scared to put anything in my mouth.

I would like to get a chin up bar. I don't know when this will be obtained but according to the Secret, I will get one along with an assisted band so I can do pull ups.

I'm addicted and I'm not looking for a cure.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Went well. Good Energy. Ate McCane Oatmeal with unsweetened applesauce and 1 tbl almond slivers. Not bad. Just need to get used to the blend.

Swung slower. Did step ups for AR.

The Swing

Oh Boy

Get ready for a new journey, through sand, through wind, through .... just through.

I just purchased for my health, my mind, my fitness journey, Enter The Kettlebell. I feel this book is also fundamental in what I want to achieve with this body. The way through the door is with the man himself, Pavel. I need to know how he thinks about how this sport is learned, the benefits, the gains, the visualization, the goals that can be obtained. I always and will always feel, that when I'm learning something, I want the best. The best book, the best pens, the best vision. I am doing KB's but I want to do them better. Stronger. No injuries. Understand the foot patterns. Understand the rest periods. I just read tonight the question I asked almost 3 months ago on AoS. What is. ETK workbook. I had to laugh because look at me now. Purchasing more. This is how I felt when I wanted to lose weight. I felt like, i will do what ever it takes to get this weight off.. and it came off.. It's still melting off.It feels awesome. I feel good. I'm not way up floating but I'm still determined. By the end of December, I will be someone even more indredible then I am today. The book.. Oh the book. It is AWESOME for me. I am so glad I decided to go with ETK program. It was for me to do. I asked for a way to learn. Just getting video after video was not making me happy. Learning does. I'm learning. I'm learning now, how to do wall squats. Learning how to get more comfortable in the TGU. This is such a good feeling to be able to do these. I'm going to put my effort and concentration in getting up with that weight 10 times or more this week. You can do this Cheryl. Get a NEW DREAM and DREAM BIG!!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

ETK Day 5

Done. I did my TGU's with 18 lb on the right only. I am waiting for the 10 lb to arrive. I still did the movement for the left side as If I were holding a KB. I did 10 each side. I had to stop... but do you know I had set the timer incorrectly. I had it set for 15 minutes instead of 5 so I really did well. Those last 2 minutes I was done and that's why I stopped at 10. So for the last two minutes I did Russian Twists with the 18 lb kb and I did 2 sets of 10 to work on the abdominal muscles.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

ETK Day 4

Done. Yea, I got that done plus cleaned out under the bathroom cabinet.I joined the declutter thread and it prompted me to clean out mess. So, now I'm cleaning out all unnecessary items.

I finished my workout with good energy.I did not swing as hard as If I were a jack hammer. I just sat back and let it roll up and down. No back pain.

I got through 8 x with active rests. I used my 25 lb all the way. After workout, Protein drink. I just don't have time to fix food now as I have to go to work. Yea. !!! Cable got shut off also so that tells me,I'm buying NOTHING. Do you hear me. NOTHING. I can get fit with what I have. !!!!

ETK Day 3

Good day, Had to do Brazilian Body.I think when I do this again I will do another segment. The first might actually be harder then the rest.

I brought good food for dinner and snack at work. Went well, but I still wanted to eat potato chips. I resisted. Till, I got home and had peppers, onions, Whole Wheat Pita and slice of cheese. I love this combo at D'angelos.

Thursday, (today)it's swing day again. I have to get through this soreness so I bet I'll be crying tomorrow. I did order a 10lb Ader so that I can build up that left arm. I want to still be able to do the form but with a lighter bell might help. Also, it will come in handy when I do Windmills, use it for the down arm.

I must say I think TGU's work your core because I'm a mild bid sore there.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ETK Day 2

Awesome. Sore as heck today though. My lower back is sore.I had to take a 600 mg Motrin. I guess my form was not great.

So, thank goodness today is a TGU day. Yes, i said it, a TGU day. I had to do them each side for 5 minutes.That can be a long time when you arm is weak. My left arm is like it came out of a cast. Not working great. Very weak. The right pulled them all through. Left, I struggled on the last two. One I did with no weight, one with assists. Thank you Wednesday being a day off of KB. I'll probably do my Brazilian dance. Great break inbetween.

Monday, October 20, 2008

ETK Week 1

Well, here we are my first week of a new program. Thought I was going to be able to do this, ha.... laugh, giggle, chuckle. I was so out of breath damn near need a paramedic.

Wall squats, Kill your butt.
Pumps, had no idea how to do so I had to stop and come to the video of Anthony
Jumping Jacks, Mountain climbers, Pushup to squat thrust.. lol. Not.!!! I walked in place. I walked in the kitchen, I did jogging, just to keep moving. I did not sit down or puke.

4 sets of swings x 20 @ 18 lb
3 sets of swings x 20 @ 25 lb

My butt is banging sore.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Goals

I must believe it does work. You see, over there on the right side where I wrote what my goals were/are? Well, I purchased AOS' ETK workbook. It has just what I asked for in my goals. To do KB training 4 x a week. Now that's an answer to prayer. I will be starting this on Monday October 20. It goes for 12 weeks. Now I have a plan to follow. Trying to make my own, was a thought but I needed more guidance. Here it is. Just for me.

Saturday, October 18, 2008



Yesterday, I did 2 rounds of Iron Core 1. Now mind you, I used to always stop at one and be out of breath. Decided to do 2 yesterday so I could get more swing practice in. It was good.

Goal, Tyler Perry must have received more people saying they have lost their goals, their dreams in life. I for one, wrote that on his page. Now to see, what I can dream and believe in. IT happens to many. You have a dream, it crashes and then, you don't want to dream again. I am stuck in that rut. Don't know where to even try to go. My main goal is to lose the 20 pounds and then work on 12 more. I do hope it keeps going. Now, that would be a site to see.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm learning

I'm not done with my weight loss days. I was just reading what I had posted but they are not done. Not by a long shot. Hey, what is a long shot any how. ? So, I went out last night with Shonna to a comedy show. It was really really funny. Will do it again. I also did not eat well, nor did I hold off on the drinks. Just a fun time. So, what I've been doing is reading about training. Yes, this is training. I am training to be a better athlete. We are all athletic and if we think in athletic terms, minds, we will concur our goals. I put a picture up of the only Master RKC female yet. She is very good and snatches, well, that's my goal. Work em like a pro.. It's in me I have to build up to it. I think I will wait for my workbook to come and see how it's laid out for the training. No sense in trying to make a goal if Anthony already has it laid out for me.

Sarah Cheatham, MS. R.K.C

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I survived

Yes, I survived my Birthday bash. LOL. I ate what I wanted all day and I'm glad to be back in my regular eating program. That day was fun. I ate breakfast out with Mary, Belgian Waffals and sausage and coffee. Next was, what ever you call it at Chicago Grill. Had 2 slices of Pizza and water.Then later on I had my favorite.. Fried Clams. Who knows how many drinks. LOL. And I'm awake and okay. Not to do anything like that again until Thanksgiving. LOL, so, it's buckle down and get busy getting these next 2 pounds off. It felt great getting compliments from Mary and Ray. How skinny my thighs are. I said it comes with a price. I'm ready to do more and this time, I know what to do.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


It's my birthday. So, Happy Birthday Cheryl. Welcome to 54 years on earth. Healthy and Happy. Learned a lot in this past year. How to exercise, how to take care of myself better, how to eat better, when to shut my mouth and when to speak on something. Get closer to being out of debt from Dave Ramsay. I got blessed with a Granddaughter as you see below. I go to see my son turn 29. I have accomplished a goal that I have been striving for you years by my birthday. That is to lose weight. I tried many times or said I was going to do it but I didn't do it. This year. I got it done. I have taken off, I didn't lose it because I don't want to find it again, 18 pounds. My goal for the year which started in August was to lose 20. Well, now that I have seen and tasted how good it feels to not take pills and not be bloated and not crave candy and cookies, I'm ready for the change. That of which I do not know yet what I shall be but I will be healthier, more patient and able to sleep much better. It is now officically, October 13, 2008. I am now, 54, Blow horns, whistles and throw confetti. Thank you God so much for a happy, safe, peaceful life.

First official birthday greeting came from Video Fitness. As soon as it turned 12AM I got a Birthday greeting. That's cool. What will I do with my day. Eat what ever I want. It's my smorogosboard. I just hope I don't get sick.. lol I've been waiting for this day for a while.

Oh ya, I'm 154.9 Pounds. I learned about whining yesterday. I found out, I'm not alone when it came to that during my weight loss days. It's not easy, you do need support and don't let anyone not stroke you when you need it. Take your strokes, get your strokes because, punishement and harsh words do not help anyone get to their goal. It just makes you more resentful of being on a diet. I won't fail myself now because, like a snatch, I now know what's good.

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Nice.. it's Good

It's a beautiful day out and it's a good day. I finally received a video I had been waiting for for a week. I also received my book, Secrets of a Former Fat Girl. It is a story of one ladies journey to weight loss. I will be in the house today, doing cleaning and reading and exercise. It may be gorgeous outside but it's nicer here. Ray sent me a birthday card. Very pretty. You know, you'd think after living for 54 years I'd like this fall, well, I think I can like it. I will be 54 on Monday, October 13 and I will look and feel FABULOUS.

I DID IT. I DID IT TODAY. I DID IT. I FELT IT I CAN DO IT. WHAT you may ask did I do. I did a proper snatch. Without banging my wrist. It felt good. I used my 8KG bell and Agatsu Women's Kettlebell DVD. What made it happen is reading the information I had previously received from Sara and then seeing this done step by step. This is a fast move and this dvd broke it down in person. I am very happy to do this and it will give me something to look forward to. This can be done and this can be fun. Now off to dance the Brazilian Body

It's done. I did the Maculele. It does take practice and it is good. I do like it. I have to do this more. This will and can replace walking. I'm going to learn to dance. Oh yea. !!!! time to feed the pie hole again...

Thursday, October 9, 2008


All is well. I got up and did a walk today. Fall is just gorgeous. It has to be the best or I'm just enjoying it. I did a figure 8 in the park. No iPod, just walking. I had tried to return the printer but come to find out,it is the best one for the replacement cartridge money. So, now to fix my meals for the evening and hopefully try to make someone smile again today. I have only added in 1/4 cup grits, slice of cheese and some fruit to my original plan. Now let's see if things change for the better or the worse or stay the same. :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Ya, that's what I feel today. Good. I wish I just would jump out of bed and say, let me get this exercise done. I find it's more of a challenge to get me in there after I've eaten. I can't not eat and exercise as I'd get sick. So, I have to do the eaty thing. Did that, then read some mail, then exercised. Here's my progress:

Snatches 15 x 2 @ 18
Clean 15 X 2 @ 18
Windmill 6 x 2 @ 18
1 Arm Swing 12 x 2 @ 18
Russian Twist 12 X 2 @ 8lb medicine ball
Arm Press 15 x 2 @ 18

All done and I still need more work.

Monday, October 6, 2008

What a day

We don't know Jack. If you think you do, he will show you, you don't. lol. I won't go into detail but my computer, had a break down. So I had to get a new operating system and we are back!!! I ate well today. I'm going to eat ... sorry, I lost my train of thought here. Any how. I ate right today and I know I can now eat right from now on. I'll be back after I get some stuff sorted out. Stay healthy.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Saturday

I actually feel pretty good. I think it's a combination of not having to go to work, getting Jade today and it being a Gorgeous fall day outside. The best time of the year here. I used to not like fall but I tell ya, the leaves blowing off the trees, the wind a little brisk, the sun shining, it really is a Great day and.


As I sit today, I realize and I'm listening to my inner voice. I took a step this year to lose weight. I wanted to lose weight with all my power. I did not know how to achieve this goal but.. I knew.. I wanted it. I asked a few questions one day and I got so bombarded with rocks about this particular nutritionist that it was sickening. I was like, what the heck is she a God or something? it was all powerful that this was the way. I felt compelled to say, okay, I'll bite. All the while in my head, I had a battle. I don't know why but there was. I wanted to quite that battle and so, I went forth. I did all I could, even go into debt to do this. Now this contradicted my previous goal of working on getting out of debt. Not good. I was always feeling alone, more so then usual from being single as no one was eating as I was. I felt alone and I felt like a Giraffe amongst Elephants. I don't know where that picture came from but that's what I felt like. Every day at work people were eating out, eating Candy, even Chewing gum made me upset. It was just plain hard. Losing weight on your own is very hard. I've heard this, I've read this and I've felt this. Get support what ever road you chose to go. It's like choosing a doctor. If you and that doc don't click, step out. I wasn't clicking because I had questions and I felt they were not being answered to my understanding. Therefore, this person said, I asked the same questions all the time and even eluded that I was playing games with her. Well, it was no game to me. It was about helping me understand why a certain food could not be on my plate. I had rough days where I say were a pitty party. They say well, you are!!! Great encouragement wouldn't you think: ) So, I have like 4 weeks to go on this eating plan and then I'm off to do as I please. I please right now to do what I can on it until I know my 12 weeks are up. Then we'll do the countdown again, till Christmas. My goal for the end of the year any how was/is to lose 20 pounds. I can do it and I will. Stick to what works for you. Make sure it's a healthy choice and read as much as you can about it. Get support. Even from family or friends or other people on your eating journey. Just don't sit it out alone. Stress can also make you fat so make it as stress free as possible. There will be stress in learning a new way of eating, but be patient and gentle with yourself. You have to live with you. Be well and be Blessed.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday okay

It came and went so fast. I didn't get a good day in but I did get to exercise. That's important. Here's my work:

Windmills 5/5 x 3 @ 16
Military press 10/10 x 3 @16
2 arm dead lift, If there is such a thing 10 x 3 @ 25
Swings, have to do these every time 15 x 3 @ 25
Chest press, not sure of the name but 10/10 x 3 @16 these were very hard.

No time to Meditate, had to get ready for work.

This session was difficult in that it was hard to get those last 2 pushes in at the end. That's when I felt my triceps kicking, twitching and I guess doing their thing.
I'd say do this again and also practice on those *snatches* and *swings* They will take me far. !!!1

I heard from Tracy and Sara today. Great day for replies. I appreciate you both answering my questions and helping me learn how to be a better person and kettlebell student.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Now What

I was suppose to walk today and my son came by with Jade. No stroller either. Crap. Maybe I will get a new DVD in the mail before I go to work. Or, I could do more kettlebell work. lol. Just when I was ready for some fresh air.

EATING. What I'm finding out is food is not the enemy. What is the enemy is diets that are too restrictive. You can enjoy food and still be healthy. When you feel like you can't have this and you can't have that and don't mix this with that.. Get real, you won't last long on that diet. I'm proof that that does not work. Find a program and look at the suggested guide lines before you dive into it. There maybe be things in there that you may not like or find it very difficult to break from. If this happens, get help. We all need support in everything we do. Even things we like doing, our hobbies and crafts. All diets aren't for all people. If you have a nutritionist, make sure you can get in touch with them when you are on top of the ladder and can't find your way down. If you get a book, get into a forum so you can ask questions. Which ever way, don't go it alone.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Incredible Journey Continues

Very nice eye opening day. Enjoyed all of it. It's now time to read more about nutrition. How our bodies hold on to what it shouldn't. Find out how it lets go of what it should. All apples but all different.

My workout:
Swings 15 @25 x 3
Sling Shot 20 @ 16 x 3
Punch Press 10 @16 x 2 (This was very difficult)
One Arm Rows 12/12 x 16 x 3 (awesome. Went fast on these)
Similar to Russian Twist but with feet on ground. Used 8 lb medicine ball 12 x 3
Plank 35 seconds x 2. Went down on that second one. Now that's a goal to attain. Get the plank holds at 35 seconds.
5 minutes of meditation with Deuter

Eccl: 3 7-12 The Advantages of Companionship
Eccl: 58-20 The Futility of Wealth

18: Even so, I have noticed on thing, at least that is good. It is good for people to eat well, drink a good glass of wine and enjoy their work - whatever they do under the sun - for however long God lets them live.