Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bike on the way

I got to order my new bike today, thanks to my wonderful Husband Ray. He is sooo good to me. I will hopefully be picking it up this Labor Day weekend, Saturday and we can go riding. it's a beauty. Like getting a car your really want to drive.

Found Dunkin Donut in K cups. That's a good thing.

I only like Dunkin and now to have it in the cups will be easier then even using the filter. I say it's worth it. I don't drink coffee every day so when I do, I will actually like it now.

The vegetarianism is going slow. I like to juice though. Soaping, yea, I sold my first shampoo bar via the Loc it up group. I put up my pictures and a banner on Etsy shop and I will add more soap to that as I go along. This new recipe I made is making fantastic whiter color soap. I'll just change from Mango to Shea butter and leave it alone.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm fruit Juicer

I am finding I love fruit juicing a lot more then veggie juicing.

3 pears
2 apples (green)
3 white peaches


Monday, August 22, 2011

Bottling Happiness

I Really wish we could bottle happiness. Today is a GORGEOUS DAY. Just the right temperature and breeze. I took a walk in my favorite park and enjoyed the music from my iPod. You can just walk and go mindless. Sky is perfect blue. There are a few clouds but not rain clouds. The trees are free and grey and the cars are leisurely rolling by. Sitting on my back porch just soaking it in. They should have kitchens outside so you can cook out all the time.. lol

Friday, August 19, 2011

The fat

can't fight the fat. Can't lose the fat. Can't get rid of fat. Sometimes I swear being bony has it's joys. But then they probably always hurt themselves in the hips. Pants don't stay up on chicken wings.

It's hot. I'm about sick of Hot. I like nice but hot. I guess I really don't tolerate it well. Cold. Heck no. Can't get warm enough in cold either. Where is the sweet spot in weather. ?

Today, we cashed in some articles and now I have money for my New Bike. It will be here September 3, if all goes well. I just going to pray each day for strength because I get weak. My body gets tired and I give up to easily when I feel like I'm not where I should be. I was younger and then I said, I was too heavy. Now... I'm heavy and older and am a Senior Citizen. By IHOP measures. wonder why they went so young.

I have a new exercise program and it uses the door hinges. The thing with this is you should have one in 3 spots, door hindge things and they send you one? one!!!! Nice set but looks like I'll be purchasing 3 other hinges of some sort.

God Bess Corey to grow past this evil spirited female in his life and learn his lesson. She will not get better. He can.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Kale 2 cups
2 stalks celery
baby carrots, hand full
3 apples
