Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hello reader.. how are you doing today? Glad you stopped by or landed here. Must be for a reason. I've not been here for a while but I will be back no doubt. I went to Word press because they allowed more widgets without cost but those widgets don't matter. I'm still here on Blogger. I just read an awesome blog called The Livingroom Athlete. What a great name. It got me to thinking just because I juice doesn't mean I can't talk about what I'm doing for exercise. So, I'm going to be throwing some of that in because Diet and Exercise, oh yes. they are like Rice and butter to me. They go hand in hand. If you don't like rice and butter how about Rice and Beans:) Any how, I'm doing wonderful and keeping up with my juicing and smoothies and mostly exercise. I've gotten a love affair with barre workouts an this is the only time I've ever acquired more then one type of work out to number above 10. Yes, I'm doing this. I still have to find a buyer for the UGI ball so if you know anyone that is interested, please send them my way. I see pictures do matter and I'm going to learn how to add more pictures because, it does add a flair of interest rather than just words on a page. So, if I forget to come here, come look for me at Love and juice:)