Friday, March 25, 2016

it's bag time again

Well, I have been busy,busy making. Working my skills and honing them in. I need to find another sewing machine that can handle thicker fabrics. Right now my little Brother is struggling.. But 'm going to ask God any way for a more industrial-like machine. To get the job done better. This machine is forcing me to be more precise and I guess I better learn that before I can move on. I'm not here to write elogquently or get published or have someone give me tons of looks. This is heart job. A job where I do what comes from my heart with love and happiness. I always get happy when I sew so I"m going to sew on..
this is a nice set of Poppy's. They can be used for makeup, jewelry, findings, hair ties, supplies, clips, change and what ever you need a place for, it can be put here. I gave this set to my gfirlfriend Jacquline Myers for her 50th birthday. I had to wait for her birthday to post them so she didn't see them. Happy Birthday all year Jackie.. Not sure if I showed this one, I may have posted it but it's a real winner. I was proud to carry her to Church on Palm Sunday. She has a lot of room in her and is what I can and East West Design. you can see all your goodies right there and not have to deep couch sitting.) do you know where that line is from? Any way here is what is called Maisie.I love her spacious area and her Elephant trunk walking. She is cotton and Vinyl and all this fun..

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