Monday, August 4, 2008


Yes, now I understand what Happiness is.It's doing just what you are doing. You love it otherwise, you would not be doing it. I love what I'm doing. I'm reading about K-bells. I'm doing K-bells, I'm selling anything that I have so I can eat the proper food and change this flat glob around my middle. I can change this. I will change this. My new topic may be IRON WOMAN. Me.!!! I had a good night last night at work. I think I drew maybe 4 people. I went to Whole foods today and bought everything I need to eat that Bonnie suggested. I know I"m whole now. I know I'm going to change. But.. that change is a bit fearful. Because... I don't know what I'm going to look like... feel like... I know one thing...I'm going to be even HAPPIER. Yes, happier. not happy. Just happier that I achieved a goal i have long been capable of achieving but did not have the right tools. Now I do. I have a nutritionist and I have the right exercise program... for me. So, all who want exercise equipment, get in touch with me. Good stuff cheap.:)

1. From Russia with tough Love book
2. Ezekial Bread, Salt, chicken, Turkey, Salmon-wild, from Whole Foods
3. Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning

All my tools to A Better body.

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